There are no January blues at Hexiosec, and certainly not where attack surface management (ASM) is concerned. We have plenty of new features to tell you about this month.
Read on.
Total scan size
To help our MSP customers with clarifying the size and cost of their client’s scans, and indeed to help all our customers understand the size of each scan, there is now a new ‘Size’ value displayed at a few points in the app.
This is not a new value to the app, it is simply the sum total of the 4 values for the in and out of scope domains and IPs. A scan’s size is shown in 3 places:
- In a scan’s overview page
- In a scan group
- In the summary report
The overview page shows the size in the discovery section, alongside other the sub-totals for certain assets, including the 4 domain and IP values which make up the total size.

When viewing a group of scans, each scan row now includes a size value, where it can be seen in the context of other scans in the group and organisation.
Hexiosec’s summary report is a great way to share with clients and stakeholders the key highlights of a scan’s results. It made sense to also add the size value to the summary report. In addition to this, the summary report previously only showed the in scope Domain and IP counts, but it now includes the out of scope counts. These updates ensure the summary reports provide clear information on the scale of a scan.

MSP scan names
For our MSP customers, we’ve made additional changes to scan type names to help you understand the different scan types offered, for initially surveying a client’s estate, and then monitoring onboarded clients.
This change doesn’t impact any capability or scan allocations on your account, it is simply a name change. If you are due to receive this change we will be communicating with you directly, and you may not see this change yet.
If the change is applied for you, you will see the following changes:
- ‘Ad Hoc’ scans, will be called ‘Client Survey’ scans
- ‘Third-party’ scans, will be called ‘Client Monitoring’ scans
We’ve also updated the descriptions you see when creating a scan of either type, to help make the client onboarding process easier for you.
Client Survey scans are intended for initial scoping of a prospective customer.

Client Monitoring scans are intended for clients onboarded for regular scanning.

We’ll also be updating our user guide for MSPs. If you have any questions, or if you don’t see the change on your account and feel you would benefit from it, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.
Other updates
Alongside the features described above, and various other system updates, we’ve made the following changes.
90 day TLS certificate check
As we’re now within the 90 day window of the BST clock changes, where time “springs forward”, we became aware of a nuance in the validity periods some cloud TLS certificate providers use. We observed that some providers will add an extra hour to the period, which we believe is simply a miss-handling of time value over this period. But this meant that if your certificates used a validity period of 90 days, the true period could be 90 days +1 hour. This would then trigger ASM’s risk recommending 90 days or shorter for TLS certificates, but this would not be in your control to fix. To mitigate this, we’ve now adjusted our risk to only trigger on 91 days or longer.
The above means that if you have any 90 day TLS certificates, you might have seen a recent drop in the number of medium risks displayed in your scan. But otherwise there is nothing for you to do.
Clickable web presence components
A small but very helpful update to ASM, was to make the components shown on the Web Presence page clickable. Now if you see a component listed as used on a webpage, you can now click through to the component’s explore page for more detail, including other webpages or assets using the component. For example if you see a webpage using jQuery v3.6.0, you can click through to see all other websites using this same component.
Set domains out of scope from domains page
Last month we introduced our new IP Addresses page, which included the ability to mark IPs as out of scope straight from this page, making it easier to manage multiple IPs quickly. As promised we’ve now included the same feature on the domains page, where you can now mark a domain out of scope, without needing to click away to the domain’s explore page.
Coming soon
Our engineering team are working on some great new features we’ll be bringing to you soon, some highlights include:
SSO for Microsoft Entra - We’re adding support for Microsoft Entra single sign-on (SSO) for select tiers. This allows users in your organisation to sign into Hexiosec ASM with their Microsoft credentials. You can still invite users from outside your organisation as needed.
Action resolved date - To help you track progress through resolving risks and actions, we’ll be showing the resolved date for actions, which is when all their risks have been successfully resolved.
Ignoring multiple risks - Sometimes users are happy to accept certain risk types in their scans, and would prefer to ignore them all. We’ll be updating the risks page to allow you to filter and select multiple risks, to ignoring in one step.
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