An organisation’s devices are a key target for attackers; their security is a major contributing factor to the security of the whole organisation. But impractical or burdensome security configuration or processes can adversely affect regular business and can lead to shortcuts and compromises.
Our full range of testing services include technical testing of the protections on a device, and of the policies and configuration in place around it.

Endpoint Security Test
Whether Windows, macOS or mobile devices, we can complete technical security testing on user devices to validate the installed endpoint protections, detection and alerting. We can also review and implement device management policies to improve existing protections.
Endpoint Configuration Review
As well as a technical test of what can be done on an example device, we can also take a top-down approach and review and update the device security configuration. We've worked with most of the main device management platforms, including Intune, Jamf and Hexnode, and are experienced in applying pragmatic, conclusive security policies to protect devices, their data and applications.

Technical Insights
Security and technology never stay still; we keep up to date with our own research and development. To read more about what we've been doing lately, see our blogs.