Every month we strive to make Hexiosec ASM even better and December was no exception. Our team of engineers added some exciting new features to improve the performance and usability of the product, especially for those looking for greater control over their scans.
Scan creation and scan types
When creating a scan, we have made the scan types and quotas available to you clearer.
You can now see your credit balance, as well as the types of scans available for your organisation depending on your objective (The available options will depend upon your subscription type).
To make it easier for those looking to manage a specific type of scan, we have added Scan Types. When setting up a new scan you will need to select 1 of these 3 options:
- Own Asset Monitoring; Continuously monitor your company’s online assets and cyber risks with regular updates.
- Vendor Monitoring; Continuously monitor a vendor’s online assets and cyber risks with regular updates.
- Ad hoc; Perform a one-off scan of a company’s online assets and cyber risks.
The Usage page also received an update with a clearer indication of your organisation’s scan quotas.
Domains page
To bring the Domains page in line with the rest of the application, we have made some visual and usability improvements.
The look and feel of the page have been vastly improved, simplifying the layout to make the page much cleaner. We have added both filtering and searching to the page, giving you far greater control over the data you can see in this page. These additions are like the new features we added to the Web Presence page in our last update.
Ignoring risks
One of our most requested features! We understand that sometimes you need more control over the risks identified in your scans. It may be that you have additional knowledge and know that a risk is already mitigated. Our new feature allows you to manage this quickly and easily.
We have further extended the Ignoring Risks functionality, previously this feature would only hide the risk on the page, and not omit it from the scan.
The new feature set means you can now choose to ignore a risk and it will be ignored across the entire scan.
You and your team should only ignore risks if you are confident that it is not a problem; when ignoring a risk, you are asked to provide a reason. The reason can be used by you when reviewing ignored risks.
Any ignored risk will now also be removed from the scoring system, meaning those risks will no longer bring the overall score of your scan down.
To help you keep track of any ignored risks we have now added an Ignored Risk page. Giving you full details of all the risks you have chosen to ignore in your scan.
Take control of your attack surface
2023 has already got off to a bad start for a few organisations with hacks and attacks already running rife, ensure you are best positioned to handle a cyber-attack by understanding what you have online and where you are vulnerable.
Why not try Hexiosec for yourself and take control of your attack surface? Create a free account.